Lar Pó Perolado

Pigmento pérola fino de cor dourada de grau cosmético

Pigmento pérola fino de cor dourada de grau cosmético

A série Tuocai Gold é revestida com dióxido de titânio e óxido férrico na superfície da mica. Ele pode produzir um brilho dourado de vários matizes, controlando com precisão a proporção de revestimento de dióxido de titânio e óxido férrico. É atóxico e insípido, excelente em resistência a altas temperaturas, resistência a ácidos e álcalis, resistência à luz e não condutividade. Resolve o problema da descoloração do pó de cobre tradicional sob condições severas. A cor dourada desta série está completa,

  • Tamanho da partícula :

  • Pedido (quantidade mínima) :

  • Pagamento :

  • Origem do Produto :

  • Marca :

  • Porto de embarque :

  • Tempo de espera :

ModeloCorTamanho da partículaMicaTiO2SnO2Fe2O3
TC302HOuro acetinado5-25μm 
TC323HOuro acetinado real5-25μm
TC300HOuro pérola10-60μm 
TC303HOuro real10-60μm
TC305HCetim brilhante10-60μm
TC306HOuro olímpico10-60μm 
TC307HOuro profundo10-60μm 
TC308HOuro clássico10-60μm 
TC351HOuro brilhante10-100μm 
TC353HOuro instantâneo10-100μm
TC355HOuro cintilante20-100μm
TC3531HOuro vermelho brilhante40-200μm

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produtos relacionados
Pigmento de mica em pó perolado série branca prateada

CaracterísticasOs produtos da Série Silver são caracterizados por uma boa brancura e um brilho perolado pronunciado. De acordo com a forma cristalina do dióxido de titânio, ele pode ser dividido em dois tipos: tipo rutilo e tipo anatase, e os produtos da série rutilo possuem maior resistência às intempéries. Esta série de produtos de pigmentos perolados tem muitas especificações de tamanho de partícula, o tamanho de partícula fino produzirá um efeito suave e suave e o tamanho de partícula grosso produzirá um forte efeito de cintilação.

Pigmento perolado série ouro

A série Tuocai Gold é revestida com dióxido de titânio e óxido férrico na superfície da mica. Ele pode produzir um brilho dourado de vários matizes, controlando com precisão a proporção de revestimento de dióxido de titânio e óxido férrico. É atóxico e insípido, excelente em resistência a altas temperaturas, resistência a ácidos e álcalis, resistência à luz e não condutividade. Resolve o problema da descoloração do pó de cobre tradicional sob condições severas. A cor dourada desta série está completa,

Pó de pérola de pigmento perolado série diamante

A Série Diamond é um pigmento especial de alto brilho com efeito perolado feito de um novo material cristalino altamente transparente baseado em um óxido metálico, como o dióxido de titânio. Comparado com outros produtos, sua maior característica é o alto índice de refração e o efeito flash extremamente forte. Em particular, a série de produtos de diamante pode refletir melhor os raios, a luz das estrelas, as dimensões ópticas semelhantes às do diamante e as maravilhosas mudanças de cor.

Pigmento pérola fino de cor dourada de grau cosmético

A série Tuocai Gold é revestida com dióxido de titânio e óxido férrico na superfície da mica. Ele pode produzir um brilho dourado de vários matizes, controlando com precisão a proporção de revestimento de dióxido de titânio e óxido férrico. É atóxico e insípido, excelente em resistência a altas temperaturas, resistência a ácidos e álcalis, resistência à luz e não condutividade. Resolve o problema da descoloração do pó de cobre tradicional sob condições severas. A cor dourada desta série está completa,

Pigmento perolado série TC300 Gold

A série Tuocai Gold é revestida com dióxido de titânio e óxido férrico na superfície da mica. Ele pode produzir um brilho dourado de vários matizes, controlando com precisão a proporção de revestimento de dióxido de titânio e óxido férrico. É atóxico e insípido, excelente em resistência a altas temperaturas, resistência a ácidos e álcalis, resistência à luz e não condutividade. Resolve o problema da descoloração do pó de cobre tradicional sob condições severas. A cor dourada desta série está completa,

TC302 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC303 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC323 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC305 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC306 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC307 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC308 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC351 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC353 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC355 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC3531 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC100 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC101 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC103 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC108 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC110 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC111 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC120 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC123 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC151 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC153 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC163 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC173 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 


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